Monday, 1 September 2014

Evaluation 2D animation (Relentless)

Hello fellow internet users.

The 2D Relentless advert animation is a form of pixilation, the target audience for this animation are people such as young energetic 16-25 year olds as it is an coming of age advertisement for a new energy drink with the thirst of energy and excitement targeting both male and female. 

The different stages of planning with creating the Relentless animation were story boarding, when story boarding my animation I was able to plan out each section of my animation by how the animation will start, what will happen within the middle of the animation and how I was going to end the animation with this I was able to decide whether I was going to be using speech in the animation or music throughout the duration. The animation did not all go to plan as when I first wrote out my proposal for the the Relentless animation I planned it to have been a contraception animation to advert Durex condoms, as I went along with creating the animation I realised that instead of creating a full pixilation animation I will have a mixture of both pixilation with a hand drawn background with colour being added as the character of the animation moved along the street towards the audience, this made me think about how instead of creating a protection advert I could create an animation for an energy drink as it would be very colourful and exciting for the chosen target audience.

The next stage of creating the 2D animation drawing out the scene on A3 paper, with this I drew out a 3D effect on the houses and the street so that everything within the background of the animation looked more realistic. Once I drew out the scenery of the animation I then took pictures of the main character using a HD camera. Then I imported the pictures onto the computer so that I was able to scale the to size so as if the character looked as if it was from a far the walking up the street coming towards his house.   

Once I filmed the animation on iStop motion using a camera looking over the animation set, I then used Final cut to edit the advertisements by doing this I was able to set music in the background with the speech telling the audience what the energy drink is called and how much you are able to buy it for with any of your local shops. By using final cut I was also able to change the colouring of the of the camera work as this animation was filmed over a series of days causing the colouring to change from dark to light to being saturated. Also I was able to smoothen out any jumps within the animation as the camera had changed angle when having to film over a series of days.   

The things that I feel I could improve on the Relentless 2D animation would be to manage my time a lot better so that I am not having to film for so long with the animation changing colour because of the natural lighting which was being used when film, this way the animation would have looked a lot smoother than what I was expecting. Also I feel like I could have created more of an effect of pixilation  if I was able to control my time management as I started to run out of time filming.      

The things that I felt went well when filming when creating the 2D animation would be the choice of song that I chosen when filming the animation as it went extremely well together I think this is because the animation it self is very colourful and bright and the song which was chosen was a Mika song Grace Kelly, with this song he things about how he could be green, blue and yellow when the colour of the animation is added, which creates a true feeling on how the audience would feel if they drank this drink.            

Thursday, 26 June 2014

2D Relentless animation

Hello fellow internet users.

Here is my 2D animation for the Relentless advertisement.

Editing 2D Animation

Hello fellow internet users.

When editing my 2D animation I used both iStop motion and Final cut, when using voice over in my animation I used a H2 recorder. My animation is an advertisement for the energy drink Relentless.

When using iStop motion, in my animation I drawn out a 2D picture of a street with a pixelation figure walking down the street. As I went along with the animation I coloured the picture in as if the figure was creating the colour to the street to appear. 

As I went along with creating the animation I took and shot of every movement which was made so show the audience that the character is moving. I took three shots of every movement so that the image didn't look as if it was jumping around and lagging. 

When finishing my 2D animation on final cut, I found an issue with the lighting of the animation as I creating my animation on iStop motion over a serious of days so I needed to use filters so that I was able to mess around with the colouring of the image so that they all looked the same colour. I also put sound from YouTube on to my animation by using Final Cut. 

Once I finished editing my animation together I found the same picture which was used in my animation on Google images. I then used a voice over so that the animation looked more is if it is an advertisement I did this by using the H2 recorder. 

Friday, 20 June 2014

Evaluation 3D Alphabet backwards

Hello fellow internet users.

This 3D animation Alphabet backwards is a claymation format, the target audience for this animation is children from the ages of 5-13. This type of animation is used to stimulate young children's mind so that  it is more active for children to be able to learn easier. This form of animation will be used in primary schools for the early learners as children at that age will also be learning the alphabet, this could also help Dyslexia children as it works the brain much harder. 

The different planning stages that I went through when creating the 3D animation were story boarding, by doing this I was about to plan out each stage and movements the animation made, for example in the animation Alphabet Backwards throughout each letter of the alphabet moves forward as the song announces each letter. Having the music playing through out filming the animation on iStop Motion was very useful as I was then able to time how long each character needed to move forward for. The next stage on making the animation was editing the music and animation from iStop Motion together on Final Cut, by doing this I was able to shorten footage or made the footage go faster or slower so that the characters were able to follow the words in the song.

When creating the 3D animation on Alphabet Backwards I felt that the things that had gone well when creating the animation were forming each character, I enjoyed this part the most because I was able to play around with the clay to design each letter of the alphabet as some of the letters were a lot more bigger as other letters had a lot more of a unique look as I was not able to create some of the characters with clay for example the letter 'N' looked a lot like the letter 'Z'.

The things that I felt went bad when making the 3D animation were when filing the animation using iStop Motion the characters kept on falling down because they were not sturdy enough, this caused the animation to jump as I needed to try and place the character in the exact same place so that the animation didn't look robotic and jumpy. Also when editing the animation on Final Cut not every letter of the alphabet linked up with the music, to resolve this I either cut down each movement so that it matched or either slow the character down used the speed tool so that I was able to connect the letters with the words on the song.

The thing that I could improve on if I was to make this animation again would be the background of the animation is it is very dull and isn't exiting as my audience is children from the ages of 5-13, children like to see bright colours this helps them to be drawn into the animation and not become bored. How I would do this is by using white card and writing in different bright colour the letters of the alphabet this would also help the children remember the alphabet backwards and forwards even more as the letters will always be on screen all the way through the animation.

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Alphabet (Backwards)

Hello fellow internet users.

Monday, 28 April 2014

3D Animation (Alphabet)

Hello fellow internet users.

When creating my 3D animation on the Alphabet backwards I used the two different softwares iStop Motion and Final cut. 

When filming my animation I used iStop Motion, by doing this I used a Sony camera linked up to the Mac filming each movement of my claymation, this was to create a sequence of pictures so that it made the 3D figures come to life.

I also used a to record Danielle Wood singing the alphabet backwards, I also used the recording to match up each movement that my figures did so I knew when and how long that figure had to move for. 

When editing my animation I used Final cut, this was to put the footage and the audio together so it was in sync with each other. 

Friday, 7 March 2014

Eadweard Muybridge

Hello fellow internet users.

Edward James Muggbridge was born in 1830 and had died in the 1904 which was the century of speed. He was a pioneer/ artist/ scientist/ showman and murderer. When Muybridge left home he moved abroad to America, New York to make a name for himself, several name at that matter. When he had left home he told his aunty that "I am going to make a name for myself. If I fail, you will never hear of me again". 5 years later the name Eaweard Muybridge was first heard. 

In 1855 he had moved to San Fransisco where he realized his passion and interest was in photography. When traveling on the stagecoach he was involved in a crash, leaving Muybridge with a serious head injury that caused him to see in double vision. This had created a huge behavior affect on his life and the way he started to look at things.  When Muybridge had recovered from his injury each each had formed an individual impressions so that if he was to look at you, he would see another person stood beside you, time had stopped completely for him in his accident creating another point of view on the world. This took a major part in his photography work and he discovered stereoscopic images (Two images side by side).

After his accident Eadweard Muybridge had moved back to England without returning to America for six years, he was no longer known as Muygridge the book seller but as Muybridge the photographer and had learnt it brilliantly. In photography every photographer was his own chemist, Muybridge reflected the pictures that he had taken afterwards, everything was tedious which the current generation does not have to live to use. It was in the Insperity valley in California where Muybridge had finally made a name for himself as a photographer, he now also seen as an artist and not just a chemist. Muybridge made his work different from every other artist out there by making his art view look more dramatic, he had started to shape what he thought like most artist to create the most exquisite photopraphic views to be produced on the coast. Muybridge was in America as the modern world was being born, he was able to experience this dramatic change with his own eyes.

Governor Leland Stanford was the man that changed Muybridges life, Stanford is the reason for the work that Eadweard Muybridge is most remembered by. Stanford loved power and speed and had owned one of the most fastest horses at the time, the man that had transformed the cost and the west together by rail and had seen a horse as a machine and wanted top know how they worked. Leland Stanford believed that all of the trotting horses feet were off the ground at once. Muybridge was the man that help Stanford to find out weather this bet was real. Muybridge did this by containing all the white bedsheets that he had to create a white background so that it was covering the track when the horses ran past so that it was able to reflect as much light as possible onto the running horse. Muybridge had to create a shutter that would open and close the lens quick enough having two boards slip past each other, leaving an eighth and an inch of an opening for the horse to past by. This was way beyond technology at the time, this was Stop Motion. 

Friday, 28 February 2014

3D Proposal

Hello fellow internet users.

Working title:
The working title for my 3D animation will be Learning the alphabet backwards.

Medium to be used:
The medium that will be used when creating my 3D animation will be Claymation. I will be doing this by using iStop motion.

Intended audience:
The intended audience for my 3D animation will be for people with the ages between 12-16. This animation will be about learning the alphabet backwards so I am going to be reaching out for a younger audience as it will be entrainment for a younger audience as they have only just learnt the alphabet in primary school. 

Indication of the style:
The indication of the style which will be used when creating this animation will be humour and entertaining. This animation could also be seen as education as it is test the brain.

Summary of the content:
Within my 3D animation I am going be doing the alphabet backwards. The way how I am going to be doing this is by using a song of YouTube that sings the alphabet backboards. By doing this I am going to be using Claymation and iStop motion, each frame will have the movement of each letter from the alphabet. I will be using 24 frames per second when filming the animation on iStop motion. 

Length or size of the production:
The length of my 3D animation will be up to a minute long.

Proposal 2D

Hello fellow internet users.

Working title:
The working title for my 2D animations is going to be called Relentless advert.

Medium used:
The medium that is going to be used for my 2D animation is pixelation. This is a sequence of pictures that have been put together to create movement, I am going to be using 24 frames per second.

Intended audience:
The intended audience for my 2D animation will be for people within the ages of 16-25. This animation is going to be a coming of age advert with a twist at the end of it. This type of people that i am going to be reach towards when creating the Relentless advert animation will be someone that has a thirst for energy drinks. This will be targeting both girls and boys as my animation will be starting off with a love story.

Indication of the style:
The indication of the style of the 2D animation will be a romance with a bit of humour at the end of the animation.

Summary of the content:
In my 2D animation I will using pixelation, by doing this I will be creating a sequence of picture to create  love story/advert for relentless. In my animation there will be two characters, a boy and a girl who have met up in a park. Throughout this animation you will see these two characters walking through the park holding hands making their way back home. As they get back home they both walk up the stairs to the bedroom. As the boy opens the door everything will go dark, when the light turns back on you will see both the boy and girl lying in bed. The boy then holds up his can of Relentless and says "Don't be breathless drink Relentless".

Length or size of production:
The length of my 2D animation will be up to 30 seconds to a minute as I am creating an advert.

Friday, 14 February 2014

Report on animators

Hello fellow internet users.

In my report I am going to be writing about three different animators such as Walt Disney, Hanna Barbera and Norman McLaren. I will be discussing the importance about each one of these different influential animators.

Walt Disney was an animator, cartoonist, producer, director, screenwriter, pioneer, voice actor and much more. Walt Disney first started creating animations since the 1920's as earlier in his life he was making animated advertisements for other companies.  The first character that Walt Disney had put down on paper was Oswald the Lucky Rabbit working beside Ub Iwerks in developing funny animal films that were assigned by Universal  Pictures. In the 1930's Walt Disney was then removed from the Oswald Rabbit productions and moved onto developing Mickey Mouse which had lead him to creating one of his most famous pieces of working Steamboat Willie, this was produced on black and which paper. In 1933 Walt Disney had developed the Multiplane Camera. The Multiplane Camera is a special motion picture camera that creates a three dimensional effect, this is done by using a tradition animation process by moving different sections of artwork in front of the camera at different speeds and distances. Many of the different layers are transparent so that the other layers which are placed behind are able to be seen by the naked eye, this is done frame by frame with leaving an illusion. Walt Disney had used this invention for many of his animations, for example the first time that he had used the Multiplane Camera was when creating The Old Mill, one this became a success in his films he then went on using the same invention with Snow White and Bambi. Walt Disney then went on making an on going series called Silly Symphonies within this he had created a short called Flowers and Trees which started off in 1932 being the first full colour cartoon using the Three Strip Technicolor Processes which had lead Walt Disney winning the first Academy Award with inspiring other animators such as Max Fleischer and Ub Iwerks using the same invention instead of the Two Colour Process (The Cinecolor). In 1937 Walt Disney then moved onto making the first Full length coloured film, Snow White which was based on a German fairy tale.  Snow White was developed by using the Multiplane Camera and had also been created by using the technique Rotoscope which is done by tracing real life features.

Hanna Barbera was an American animation studio that dominated animation television for nearly four decades. Hanna Barbera was founded by two men Called William Hanna and Joseph Barbera in the mid 20th century. Hanna Barbera in their earlier years were MGM animators and creators for Tom and Jerry and had won seven Oscars within 1943- 1953. When the company MGM had closed down Hanna Barbera for the first time had created a name for themselves in 1997, they had become one of the most famous animating studios within television as they started to produce prime-time weekday and had their Saturday morning cartoons for the three biggest television networks syndications in the USA. Between 1957 and 1995, Hanna Barbera had created many successful television shows that are still being watched today which are The Flintstones, Yogi Bear, The Jetsons, Scooby Doo and the Smurfs with many more following. With these many successful programmes this lead Hanna Barbera winning eight Emmy's, one Golden Globe Award and a star that you can find on the Hollywood walk of Fame.
As Hanna Barbera had a small television budget, this was shown in the quality of their animations as Hanna Barbera had to create their animations with using simplified backgrounds so that it was much easier to re use the background to create a longer sequence throughout the episodes as they were only being paid $3,000 for five minutes. When creating their animations they had often cut the pieces into many levels which were divided into mouth, arms, legs and head. This was so that only the parts that needed to be moved was shown and animated to create movement so that they were able to do a ten minute short with 1,200 drawings without having to do the standard short of 26,000 drawings.

Norman McLaren was a Canadian animator and a film director. Norman McLaren created many films for the Nation Film Board for Canada also known as NFB. He was a pioneer in many parts of animation and in the film making industry which includes drawn on film animation, visual music, abstract film, pixelation and graphical sound. In 1936 started to work for GPO until 1939, within his career at GPO Norman McLaren created four animations Book Bargain which he had developed in 1937 at the beginning of his professional career. He then moved onto making Mony a Pickle and Love on the Wings in 1938, then ending his film making career at GPO with the film New for the navy which was released in 1938. In 1939 Norman McLaren had moved to New York to work for Solomon Guggenheim Foundation his career path moved onto creating four drawn animated films called Boogie Doodle, this kind of work that he drawn out consisted with dots, loops, starts and stripes. Norman Mclaren in the 1940's moved to Canada to train other animators at his own animating studio for the National Film Board. Norman McLaren is known for his peculiar experiments with imagery and sound as he was able to develop many techniques for combining and synchronising animation with music.

The development of 2D and stop motion animation techniques

Hello fellow internet users.

In my report I am going to be exploring the various uses of animation such as music videos, advertisements, televisions, film and digital/mobile. I will be discussing the target audience, the animation techniques which are used also the style such as straight, comic, satirical, fantasy and anime. 

Music videos-

An example for an animated music video that I am going to be writing about is Gorillaz Dare. The target audience for this music video would be for the ages from 16- 30+. It would also be for people that are into alternative individual music as it cover most genres. The animation techniques that this music video uses CGI (computer genterated imagery) it is a mixer of 2D and 3D animation. The Gorillaz Dare music video uses styles such as anime, fantasy and cartoon throughout the video. They uses these features is when using the character 2D

An example for animation in advertising would be the advert for John Lewis- The bear and The Hare that they had used for Christmas in 2013. This is an animated advert that combines both traditional hand drawn 2D, stop frame and 3D model made set out. The target audience for this advertisement would be for people from a very young age such as 6- 10 as they might be interested in the format that the creators of this advert has used as it is very similar to the Disney creations. Also this advert hits the ages of 16+ as it's very magical and the audience would create emotion and feel what the Bear and the Hare felt which bring much more fought into the gifts that we buy for friends and family. John Lewis's original target audience would adults as the it as a furnishing company which is being advertised, this takes them back to when they were children watching films. The style that this advertisement has used would be fantasy. They use this fantasy technique within the animation when the Hare is watching everyone playing about the christmas tree and opening their gifts, he then looks around and notices his friend the Bear coming over the hill as he stands up tall watching the light shining through the christmas tree. Within that minute they look into each others eyes and small because the bear can now join the Hare this christmas.

An example that I am going to use for an animation television series would be Scooby Doo. The target audience for this television animated series would for children from the ages of 4-10. The type of children that would like to watch an animated programme for example Scooby Doo would be stereotypically boys as boys like to get up to trouble and be adventures, as this animated television programme is about four friends and their talking dog who try to find clues about the mysteries people that are trying to scare the towns people away. The animation techniques which are used within this television programme is a draw 2D animation, is this animation was created by Hanna Barbera they had only a limited about of frames per second and have used loop within some of their senses. The style which has been used when animating this television series is supernatural and cartoon. The way how this animation has shown these effects the way how it has been drawn out and the sense within in this animation is always dark and bloomy as if something scary is going to happen.

An example for an animated film would be Rataoullie. The target audience for this animated film would be for children from the ages of 3-12. This type of film would be mostly appealing to the younger generation as they use characters like talking rats and how they are able to put ingredients together to make one man that is being controlled with him hair to create amazing food. The techniques that this animation uses are CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) and uses format styles such as humour, fantasy. The way how they show these different uses of style is by the fact that their main character is a talking rat cooking delicious food in the middle of the love city Paris. 

Friday, 17 January 2014

Scardy mouse animation

Hello fellow internet users.

When creating my animation flip book I first collected 24 pieces of A6 paper and drew out my idea out on a story board. Once I thought of my idea I then sketched out each part of my story out on the A6 paper so that I was able to make a flip book, this is the trick of the eye.

Then once I had drawn out each part of my story I then used iStopmotion to take a picture of each picture so that I was able to create a sequence of images. I did this by using a Sony hand camera.