Friday, 7 March 2014

Eadweard Muybridge

Hello fellow internet users.

Edward James Muggbridge was born in 1830 and had died in the 1904 which was the century of speed. He was a pioneer/ artist/ scientist/ showman and murderer. When Muybridge left home he moved abroad to America, New York to make a name for himself, several name at that matter. When he had left home he told his aunty that "I am going to make a name for myself. If I fail, you will never hear of me again". 5 years later the name Eaweard Muybridge was first heard. 

In 1855 he had moved to San Fransisco where he realized his passion and interest was in photography. When traveling on the stagecoach he was involved in a crash, leaving Muybridge with a serious head injury that caused him to see in double vision. This had created a huge behavior affect on his life and the way he started to look at things.  When Muybridge had recovered from his injury each each had formed an individual impressions so that if he was to look at you, he would see another person stood beside you, time had stopped completely for him in his accident creating another point of view on the world. This took a major part in his photography work and he discovered stereoscopic images (Two images side by side).

After his accident Eadweard Muybridge had moved back to England without returning to America for six years, he was no longer known as Muygridge the book seller but as Muybridge the photographer and had learnt it brilliantly. In photography every photographer was his own chemist, Muybridge reflected the pictures that he had taken afterwards, everything was tedious which the current generation does not have to live to use. It was in the Insperity valley in California where Muybridge had finally made a name for himself as a photographer, he now also seen as an artist and not just a chemist. Muybridge made his work different from every other artist out there by making his art view look more dramatic, he had started to shape what he thought like most artist to create the most exquisite photopraphic views to be produced on the coast. Muybridge was in America as the modern world was being born, he was able to experience this dramatic change with his own eyes.

Governor Leland Stanford was the man that changed Muybridges life, Stanford is the reason for the work that Eadweard Muybridge is most remembered by. Stanford loved power and speed and had owned one of the most fastest horses at the time, the man that had transformed the cost and the west together by rail and had seen a horse as a machine and wanted top know how they worked. Leland Stanford believed that all of the trotting horses feet were off the ground at once. Muybridge was the man that help Stanford to find out weather this bet was real. Muybridge did this by containing all the white bedsheets that he had to create a white background so that it was covering the track when the horses ran past so that it was able to reflect as much light as possible onto the running horse. Muybridge had to create a shutter that would open and close the lens quick enough having two boards slip past each other, leaving an eighth and an inch of an opening for the horse to past by. This was way beyond technology at the time, this was Stop Motion. 

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